Puppy Socialization: WHAT IS?

Although it really is something more complex, we understand for practical effects, that puppy socialization will be the process that will teach him/her to interact with the environment which it will coexist for the rest of its life, people, animals, prior situations stressful for the puppy (fireworks, traffic noise, conversations in heavy volume, dealing with children, etc.). This process will be performed during the first three months of life. Socializing the puppy in Benalmádena.

HOW CAN WE HELP YOU IN THE PUPPY Socialization Benalmádena?

The first thing you have to do is forget the first advice that everyone gives when a puppy comes home: don´t take it out until it have all the vaccines! , because this advice is like the one which was given to my mother many years ago upon the detection of high cholesterol, she could not eat sardines ( that she liked much), everybody knows today that its consumption is not only detrimental, but it is very beneficial in such cases.

How are we going to have enclosed the puppy at home until it is five or six months old so we complete their immunization schedule?. We believe that is greater the risk of having a poorly socialized dog that the potential risks of infection that may exist. Moreover, during that period of time the puppy will come with some frequency to the vet, who will be better than the vet to warn you in case of epidemic to extreme cautions? Do not take it to pipican during the first months, there will have opportunities for contact with body fluids, but do not deny it the contact with other dogs, always attentive to their reactions. A good walk to help socialization of the puppy in Benalmádena is undoubtedly the Paloma Park of Arroyo de la miel, where it will have contact with many other animals, children will come to greet, bikes will be close to it, skates and other new situations it have to get used to for the rest of its life. Another good place for socialization may be in Benalmádena Costa Marina and the promenade, during day high influx. In Benalmádena Pueblo we have a walk to reach the area of ​​the Buddhist stupa and in the Retamar, by the hockey field there are always many dogs, children playing, traffic and other situations that have to get used to. Certainly, be sure to peek the viewpoint of the stupa…